
  • 영화, 캠핑, 해변, 걷기, 산책
    Study/오픽 2022. 1. 5. 20:46

    4-1 In your background survey you indicated that you like to see movies. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Why do you like to watch those kinds of movies? Tell me about these movies in as much detail as possible.

    4-2 I' like you to tell me about your favorite actor. Who is the actor? What movies has he or she stared in? what do you like most about him or her? please tell me about the actor in as much detail as possible.

    4-3 Please tell me about the most memorable movie you have seen. what was the movie about? Who was in it? why was it memorable?

    4-4 Has your taste in movies changed over time? Tell me about the changes in your tastes in movies over the past few years. How are the movies you enjoy now different from those in the past? Please explain in as much detail as possible

    4-5 I'd like to know about a major issue or concern affecting the movie industry these days. what is the issue? How is it affecting the lives of people? What needs to be done to address this issue? Please explain in detail.

    5-1 Tell me about a memorable experience you have ahd at the beach. When was it? What happened? Who were you with? Explain what happened in detail to make it unforgettable.

    5-2 You indicated in your background survey that you like going to beaches. Tell me about your favorite beach. Where is it and what does it look like? Why do you like it there so much?

    5-3 In your background survey, you indicated that you like going camping. how often do you go camping, and what time of the year do you typically go? who do you usually g with? What do you like to do on camping trips?

    5-4 When was the last time you went camping? Where did you go? Who did you go with? Describe what did on your camping trip in as much detail as you can. 

    5-5 What sort of gear do you bring along when you go camping? Do you prefer to take large items like tables and chairs, or just smaller things like sleeping bags? Please describe the items you bring in detail, and explain what you use them for.

    6-1 In your background survey, you mentioned that you like going to parks. Please tell me about the park you like to go to. Where is it located, and what does it look like? What makes it special?

    6-2 Please tell me about something interesting or memorable that has happened at a park. When was it? What were you doing? Who were you with? Please describe why it was so memorable in detail.

    6-3 What kind of activities do you usually do at the park? Do you take walks or exercise at the park? Do you prefer to go there with others, or do you prefer to go alone? Please describe a typical day at the park.

    6-4 Please tell me about the activities people do at a park you often visit. What sorts of things do childer do? How are they similar or different from what adults do? Give me as many details as possible

    6-5 I'd like to know the main issue related to public parks today. What is the biggest problem that users of public parks face? What needs to be done to solve this problem? Tell me about it in detail. 

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